Fotoreportage der Luxun Universität Dalian

›Luxun Academy of Fine Art ( 鲁迅美术学院 ) is a one of the top art academies in China with varieties of specialties and departments and excellent academic staff.  It has 11 departments (21 specialties), one educational school for adults and one affiliated secondary school of fine arts. Currently there are 3780 students, among them there are 3351 undergraduates, 229 full-time postgraduates, 200 part-time postgraduates and 29 overseas students. There are 978 students in the educational school for adults. The campus area is 82,181 square meters with 85,976 square meters building area. The library has 200,000 books in collection with 4400 square meters building area. It also collects 3000 authentic works and cultural relics.‹

Jürg Steiner, Mao Tong

Prof. Dr. Weidong Wang (Dalian, China) für die Einladung und die Betreuung
Bergische Universität Wuppertal für die Freistellung von der Lehre für zwei Wochen


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