IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design

Computer Aided Design of Individual Glass Showcases: Juerg Steiner presents the showcases his team designed for the great exhibition ›The Naumburg Master – Sculptor and Architect in the Europe of Cathedrals‹ which was performed this summer in Naumburg in Eastern Germany.  The most of the exhibits where made in the 13th century. Very impressive are the statues of the founders in the west choir of Naumburg Cathedral. All loans are posed on stands made of stone slabs, reinforced by a central folded steel sheet with four bendings. Showcases are posed on many of the stands. The five rectangular glass slabs were fixed by thin steel sheets in very special shape and bendings fixed at the borders of the glass. Two vertical glass elements can be lifted, they are normally fixed with a security lock. The two upper corners form a hinge. The steel parts are fixed to the glass by self-adhesive tape and hold together with magnetic tape. The construction of all the showcases only could be done with special CAD software, which was related to the laser cutter. All parts were assembled and mounted in the exhibition area.

Photos and Drawings
Jürg Steiner, Olaf Mehl

Thanks to
Prof. Dr. Weidong Wang (Luxun-University, Dalian) for initiative, and perfect help
Prof. Dr. Fusheng Pan, President of Chongqin Academy of Science & Technology
Bergische Universität Wuppertal for support and exemption of duty for two weeks

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